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Patent Pending
Fish Hands
Scented Fishing Attractant
Fish Hands is a patent pending scented fishing attractant, designed to camouflage human scents and add key fish attractants. Just spray on your hands, start fishing and get ready to turn the bite on!
100% All Natural
Non - Toxic
2 Pack
2 Pack Special - $19.99
Our 2 pack comes with our 8 oz Activator (fish attractant scent) and our 8 oz Deactivator (removal scent for when you're done fishing).
Did You Know?
A fish sense of smell is 1,000x GREATER than a dogs!
Studies have shown older, larger fish have an EVEN BETTER developed sense of smell.
Fish can ONLY smell scents that are water soluble. So any fish attractant that is oil based is useless.
Submit your fishing pictures with our product for a chance to win a FREE 2 pack OR t-shirt!
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Customer Reviews
"I could definitely tell a difference in the number of fish I was catching once I started using fish hands. I'm a believer!" - Jesse B, FL
"This stuff works! It's like magic! Catching more fish now because of this awesome product" - Dan T, FL
"I've used scents in the past without much success. So I was skeptical about using this, especially on my hands. But it actually works! By far some of the best scent product on the market today!" - Kyle S, TX
Start catching BIGGER and MORE fish!
Mask ALL human scents from fish!
Just spray on your hands and start fishing!
Deactivator removes fishy smells from your hands!
Contact us about featuring our products in your store!
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