What is Fish Hands?
Fish Facts:
A fish's ability to smell is documented to be approximately 1,000 times better than a dog.
Fish Biologists also proved in some fish species that a fish's system of smell can double and even triple as the fish ages. So that big bass you want to catch can already smell you coming
Among the biggest turnoffs for fish include: sunblock, insect repellent, soap, detergents, tobacco, along with petrol and diesel.
Fish process scent by interpreting chemical signatures that are dissolved in the water. This means that fish cannot smell oils!
The idea for Fish Hands was born out of frustrations while fishing with friends. While using the same rigs and bait and fishing in the same location, I was out fishing them 10 to 1. I suggested the next fish I caught that they rub some of the fish slime on their hands. That worked and we all ended up catching the same amount of fish that day! There have been several stories like this which led me to believe there was more to scent with fishing than what I had learned growing up fishing.
Fish Hands is a patent pending scented fishing attractant, designed to camouflage human scents and add key fish attractants. Fish Hands is 100% water soluble meaning fish can smell it! Just spray on your hands and start fishing! It's that simple.
Why your hands? Your hands come in contact with virtually everything when you are fishing, your line, bait, lures, hooks. All of your human scents are transferring to these things and fish can smell it, yes even on live bait! That's why Fish Hands is so powerful. It tackles the root of the problem by covering your hands with your fish attractant and masking those unnatural scents. Fish Hands can also be used on your live baits and artificial lures for extra fish catching power.
Fish Hands is designed with scientifically proven KEY fish attractants such as amino acids. Fish Hands is backed with proven fish catching research. Get your 2 pack today for $19.99 and get the Fish Hands advantage today!